Yale Environmental Studies Students Join Two Global Network Weeks

February 19, 2015

Students from the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies will participate in Global Network Week at AIM and INCAE.

Next month, students from the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies will participate in Global Network Week alongside their colleagues from the Yale School of Management. The Yale Daily News reports that FES students will participate in Global Network Weeks in March hosted by the Asian Institute of Management in the Philippines and INCAE in Costa Rica. AIM will host the ecotourism course it debuted in the second half of 2014, while INCAE will focus on sustainability issues in Latin America. 

Co-Director of the Center for Business and the Environment at Yale Bradford Gentry said that collaboration between the SOM and F&ES will enable students to innovate new solutions to problems.

“[There are] lots of different worldviews and a lot of need to figure out how companies embedded in these resource systems — that scientists work on — can continue to have access to them when we have more people and more wealth and therefore more pressure on the resources,” Gentry said.

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