IMD Switzerland
The Race to Net Zero
Johan Rockström, The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research President and University of Potsdam Earth System Science Professor
Peter Bakker, WBSCD President & CEO
Keryn James, Environmental Resources Management Non-Executive Director
Levin Holle, Deutsche Bahn CFO
Moderated by: Jörg Rocholl, President of ESMT Berlin
When: Friday May 27th – 11:00-12:00 CEST
The panel discussion brings together distinguished leaders from business and society to discuss the need for a rapid and comprehensive transition to a low-carbon economy. It focuses on three major critical points. First, the discussion focuses on the question of why radical de-carbonization is needed now and what are the implications of this process. Second, it deals with the resulting management implications for business, i.e. what business models, innovations, systems, tools, and talent are required to make the transition work in reality, thereby balancing product, capital, and labor markets. Third and finally, it asks what is the associated agenda for business schools moving forward, leveraging the presence of business school deans as well as connected students and alumni from all over the world. Using the diversity of backgrounds of panelists and in the audience, the discussion shall explore how this transition manifests itself in different parts of the world and how we can find common ground to move ahead, also in the important context of GNAM and its future offerings.
The Future of Capitalism
Jamie Breen, Haas Business School Assistant Dean
Chris Ogbechie, Lagos Business School Dean
Lars Strannegård, Stockholm School of Economics President
Moderated by: Yoshinori Fujikawa, Hitotsubashi ICS Associate Professor & Faculty in Charge of External Affairs
When: Friday May 27th – 13:00-13:55 CEST
The global pandemic, a strained planet, growing inequities, paralyzing political divides, a brutal war in Europe - all have ushered in a time of soul searching for our world. Not immune to the questioning are our choices when it comes to our economic system and the conduct of business. There's been lively discussion around variants of capitalism, across the shareholder-stakeholder continuum, with some convergence appearing. Yet, the deep complexity of our time is pressing us to articulate the "why" of the whole exercise, to be more purpose-driven, about our future. For educators of minds to lead the future, this is an increasingly prescribed responsibility.
This session screens highlights from the 2021 documentary film, "The Purpose of Capitalism: Lessons from Japan" (Connected Pictures/The Beautiful Truth) which poses questions of global relevance about the "why" of business. We'll then engage a panel of GNAM colleagues on the future of capitalism, exploring also the role of business schools in shaping that future.
Management Education after the Pandemic
John Byrne, Poets & Quants CEO and Editor-in-Chief
Catherine Duggan, UCT GBS Director
David Bach, IMD Dean of Innovation & Programs
Soumitra Dutta, Saïd Business School Dean-Elect
Moderated by: Jikyeong Kang, AIM President & Dean
When: Friday May 27th – 14:00-15:00 CEST
The pandemic moved technology-mediated teaching and learning from the periphery of management education to the core. Just about all faculty at leading business schools have personal experience teaching online. We have seen far-reaching pedagogical innovation, and valuable data on the effectiveness of technology-mediated interactions has been collected from students across different types of programs. What have we learned? What innovations will remain? Will we employ new tools and pedagogies to reach more students in more places with greater impact? Has management education changed forever? Or are we already witnessing a return to pre-pandemic patterns?
*Registration to the panels is limited to students & alumni of Global Network schools. Please contact your respective school for information on how to register for the sessions.