Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Business School Hong Kong SAR China
This is intended to be a challenging and exciting course that provides insights about competitive strategy and business practice as well as some first-hand interactions with companies operating in the Chinese context. This course helps the MBA students to understand the following aspects:
1) peculiar Chinese general and competitive environment; (2) how Chinese businesses think and behave to achieve competitive advantages; (3) competitive dynamics between foreign MNCs and Chinese firms; (4) competitive dynamics among foreign MNCs in China; and (5) why and how multinationals develop, adjust, and change their strategies and practices for doing business in China. It creates a platform for participants to interact and discuss on important strategy issues emerging from the Chinese context.
If you are interested in developing competitive business strategies for the China market, as future global business leaders, management consultants, or entrepreneurs, or, if you are aspired to take Chinese firms to the next level, leading them to compete successfully in the global
market with other multinational companies, this will be the right course for you. What you learn about firm strategic management in the Chinese context will be also beneficial to your understanding of other emerging markets. This course will involve extensive interactions among the students to share knowledge, insights and experiences, so your attendance and active
participation is important.
Faculty: Bilian Sullivan
Course Date & Time
Apr 8 & 22, May 13 & 27, 0900-1300 & 1430-1800 (GMT+8)