Negotiation beyond the Obvious: Capturing the Systemin Nature of Complex Negotiations
Global Network Week, March 15-19, 2021
School: SKOLKOVO, Moscow School of Management
Course Title: Negotiation Beyond the Obvious: Capturing the Systemic Nature of Complex Negotiations
Lead Faculty: Professor Moty Cristal
Course Description
In world that dramatically changes its business patterns, in a world that VUCA became a known term also to junior managers, in a world that “Power” and “Winning” have mainly a contextual meaning, applying classic “win-win” negotiation theories will short fall of delivering satisfactory results. Based on the unique NEGOSYSTEM™ model, this course is designed as an intensive online workshop which provides students with conceptual frameworks and operational tools to understand and design effective negotiation processes in a complex business environment. With active involvement of SKOLKOVO faculty and Russia’s international business leaders, the course will address issues such as negotiating in power imbalance, crisis negotiations, negotiating in a low-to-no trust environment, levering media, technology and social-networks in negotiations, role of culture, and psychological tactics in complex negotiations.