Managing Relationships in China: a State-Owned Enterprise Perspective

One of the key aspects to doing business in China is understanding how to manage complex relationships in this economy. One unique feature of China is the large presenece of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in key industries. These SOEs are primarily large, thriving, profitable firms. A key to their success is managing relationships with various stakeholders such as the government, clinets, competitors, employees and investors. This module will explore how managing relationships in China are vital to the success of these SOEs. It is intended to be an interactive, up-close and peronal investigation of how SOEs function in China. Activities may include: A trip to Tianjin on the high speed train in order to study China Railway; an interactive banking assignment designed to understand how banks function in China, an intimate question and answer session with various managers in the China steel industry.

Faculty involved: Byron Lee, Kenneth Kim, Majid Ghorbani, Zelin Zhang

Company connections: State-Owned Enterprises: China Railway, China Steel, China Bank

Other elements: Trip to Tianjin using the high speed railway in China, Group Presentations, Q&A with Company Managers, Executives from State-Owned Enterprises in China, Pub Night in Sanlitun, Welcome Banquet, Networking with RBS IMBA Students (subject to change)