Development of a Global Mindset – Perspectives on an Emerging Market

" The number of people living in high growth economies or in countries with per capita incomes at OECD levels has increased fourfold over the last 30 years – from 1 billion to 4 billion, according to the Growth Commission. The rapid integration into world markets by six of the largest non-OECD economies (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa, together known as the BRIICS) was an important component of globalisation during the past two decades. Economic incentives across world markets, and in the BRIICS in particular, have been aligned more closely with countries’ and businesses’ genuine strengths. " (OECD, 2009)

FGV-EAESP GNAM WEEK will address challenges faced by Brazil, the ninth largest economy (PPP, 2016 estimate) in the world, in developing a global mindset and addressing the global market. The GNAM week aims to consolidate the connections between academic and corporate environments, trough lecture, company visits and testimonials. Some of the topics covered are Global and Local;  Brazilian Economic Perspective;  Challenges of Financial Systems in Emerging Economies and the Brazilian Case and Entrepreneurship in Brazil.